Month: May 2023

Times below are GMT/US Eastern time 1250/08:50 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Susan Collins and Federal Reserve Board Governor Michelle Bowman give opening remarks before hybrid “Fed Listens” event to discuss challenges and opportunities following the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic 1620/12:20 Susan Collins gives closing remarks before that virtual “Fed Listens” event, above
Vertex Labs (, the brain behind the Caduceus metaverse protocol, Vertex Network and 3D metaverse platform, LightCycle, has acquired London-based digital art studio, Digimental Studio (Digimental), the driving force behind blue-chip 3D NFT fashion brand, HAPE for US$12 million. The acquisition completes offering as the world’s leading provider of Web3 and AI infrastructure and
Governor, Nationale Bank van België / Banque Nationale de Belgique and hence European Central Bank Governing Council member Pierre Wunsch spoke on Saturday: at the Dubrovnik Economic Conference of the Croatian National Bank Posting this as a bit of a catch-up ICYMI (as I did!). Wunsch warned that continued expansive fiscal policy would require a
MON: US Memorial Day, UK Late May Bank Holiday. TUE: Japanese Labour Market Report (Apr), EZ Sentiment Survey (May). WED: Japanese Retail Sales (Apr), Chinese Official PMIs (May), Australian CPI (Apr), French, Italian, German Prelim CPI (May), German Unemployment (May), Canadian GDP (Q1). THU: ECB Minutes, CBRT Minutes, South Korea Import/Exports Growth (May), Chinese Final